Here’s a snapshot of this writer’s process. I can’t decide.
The pleasure of a blank page seems enticing, though it’s not completely the case that the page is blank. There are several hundred pages of materials I’ve been collecting to incorporate into this story: Let’s Keep in Touch. It’s a correspondence between two women over thirty years when correspondence comes to mean emails, then texts and tweets, then a surprising face-to-face encounter. I’m revisiting some of the themes here I played with in No Words for Love and Famine, and with all those notes and snippets of text I’ve already written it seems more a matter of cutting and pasting than writing. And…
Hollywood Fables is so close to being complete. It is a novel I set aside because of a fluke accident in real life. While the novel is completely fictional, something occurred in real life that I’d already written, something that is pivotal to the plot. I hate it when that happens. It was so creepy I put the manuscript aside. It’s time I complete this novel. But…
Maybe I can write the new one in the morning and work on revisions of the other in the afternoon. But…
Maybe I should run away from home, climb onto a fishing boat and head for the artic.
I love the actual process of writing; it’s just that getting started is sometimes difficult. Similar to meditation, there’s a weight to the solitude one has to lift in order to begin. Weight training. That’s what is required here.