Suicidal Maniacs and the Lady of Shalott is out!

So I’m holding a copy of my newest novel in my hand, and feel free to let it go entirely.  Of course, I have to work on publicity but it is done, out there in the world.  It is out there and I can move on.  This feels like the happy ending to a difficult love affair.

Thanks to all the people who worked with me on this project:  first and foremost to my daughter Andrea who inspired, encouraged, edited and now is helping with promotion. < >  She has taught me to respect the art of acting even if I still don’t understand it, the mystery of making someone else besides yourself real in your very person.  It seems hard enough to make yourself real — to make some other self real?  Amazing.

And thanks to my son who encourages my writing at all stages.  Special thanks to Lisa Helene Donovan Bacalski for all she did to edit this book and for designing my website, to Jen Moran for providing the image for the front cover and Pat Millar for the image on the back cover.

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